Use IsOn24 integration with Zapier

Zapier connects IsOn24 to over 1,400 apps using triggers and actions to automate work between IsOn24 and other apps. For example, when IsOn24 answers a call (trigger), you can add the contact to a Google spreadsheet (action) using Zapier.

Zapier integration within IsOn24 is free to all IsOn24 customers. The integration requires a Zapier account, and certain apps integrated with Zapier may require a paid Zapier subscription. Review Zapier's pricing page for more information.

Install the Zapier integration

You will need your IsOn24 credentials to enable the Zapier integration.

  • Sign in to your existing Zapier account, or Sign up to create a new Zapier account.
  • To complete the integration setup, create your first IsOn24 Zap.

Create a Zap

  • Log in to your Zapier account.
  • In the upper left, click + Create Zap!
  • First, select the app you want to use for your trigger .
    • If you want IsOn24 to trigger an action in another app, select IsOn24.
    • If you want another app to trigger an action in IsOn24, use the search bar on the right to locate the app.
  • Next, select a trigger, then click Continue.
    • If you're using IsOn24 for your trigger and have never connected your Zapier account to IsOn24, you'll be prompted to connect your IsOn24 account. Then, click Continue.
    • If you've never connected your Zapier account to the selected app, you'll be prompted to connect your app account. Then, click Continue.
  • Once connected, you'll be prompted to set up your trigger. Customize the trigger as needed, then click Continue.
Create a trigger for your zap

  • Next, set up your action. In the left panel, click + Add a Step, then select Action/Search.
  • Select the app in which an action will take place based on the trigger you've set up.
    • If you want IsOn24 to trigger an action in another app, use the search bar on the right to locate the app.
    • If you want another app to trigger an action in IsOn24, select IsOn24.
  • Select an action, then click Continue.
    • If you've never connected your Zapier account to the selected app, you'll be prompted to connect your app account. Then, click Continue.
    • If you're using IsOn24 for your action and have never connected your Zapier account to IsOn24, you'll be prompted to connect your IsOn24 account. Then, click Continue.
Create an action for your zap

  • Once connected, you'll be prompted to set up your action. Customize the action as needed, then click Continue.
  • Next, you'll be able to test your Zap if needed.
  • You can also give your Zap a name on the top left corner.
  • To complete the setup of your Zap, click Publish Zap.
  • If you're ready to start triggering new actions with this Zap, click Publish & Turn On or click Cancel for later.
Publish your zap


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